University of Nebraska - Lincoln, NE
MFA in Sculpture |  May 2023
PhD in Innovative Learning Technologies | expected August 2024
GPA: 3.990

Wellesley College - Wellesley, MA
BA in Cognitive and Linguistic Sciences. Minor: Education | May 2013

I teach, research, and practice Emerging Media Art at the Unviersity of Nebraska. My experiences fall into the following three domains: technology & research, teaching & program building, and art.

2023 Howard Creative Achievement Award
2023 Cedar Point Artist Residency
2022 UNL Everett Fellowship
2021 UNL Hixson-Lied Creative Activity Grant
2018, 2019 UNL Chancellor’s Scholarship
2013 Anne Murray Ladd Student Research Internship
2012 Summer Service Learning Grant

Computer: Coding
Javascript, HTML/CSS, PHP/MySQL, p5.js, physical computing with arduino, bare conductive board, and javascript midi api, coding and digital modeling tools for youth (scratch, MIT appInventor, codesters, studiocode,, Tinkercad), three.js, and A-frame.

Computer: Applications
TouchDesigner, Rhino, Adobe Suite.

Physical + Digital Mediums
3D printing, laser cutting, plasma cutting, CNC machining, laser projector, projection mapping.

Physical Mediums
Woodworking, LED and traditional lighting, printing methods including silk-screen and lithography, fiberglass, casting & mold-making, sewing.

Johnny Carson Center for Emerging Media Art (JCCEMA)
Research Assistant        Aug. 2018 – May 2021
Researched and developed pathways between Lincoln Public Schools and JCCEMA, served on faculty hiring committees, developed coding curriculum, and led Emerging Media Art community workshops.

Freelance Web Developer/Designer
Dec. 2015 – Aug. 2018
Worked with clients to design and build custom, responsive, interactive websites that embody their vision and accomplish their goals. In addition to full design and development, work included branding, content-writing, SEO, and marketing.

University Nebraska Lincoln Graphic Design Program: Black Panther Party Underground Newspaper ExhibitionDesigner/Developer,
Advisor        Fall 2016 – Spring 2017
Worked with UNL professors and students to define tech solutions to the display of over 60 revolutionary newspapers from the collection of Billy X Jennings. Website featured in exhibition at UC Santa Monica.

Researcher, Designer/Developer         Dec. 2014 – Nov. 2015
Worked with web dev and data science teams to turn data and analysis into visual, web-based reports. Work included UX and user-research, coding interactive charts, frontend build, designing narrative flow, and creating modular design elements that can be used across products to ensure consistency, adaptability, and ease of build.

Presage Analytics
Data Vis. Designer/Developer         Sept. 2014 – Feb. 2015
Worked with food science software team to conceptualize and integrate Google Charts API with existing data collection software to advance user reports and data analysis.

National Institute for Out of School Time
Associate Researcher         Jun. 2013 – Jan. 2015
Worked with a research team to collect, analyze, and report on the quality of education programs in the Boston area for youth. Projects include the BridgeUp STEM program at the American Museum of National History, Boston’s Summer Learning Programs, and Providence’s AfterZone Summer Scholar Program. Work involved on-site evaluations and interviews with staff, data cleaning andstatistics, and researching and writing for final reports.


Johnny Carson Center for Emerging Media Art
Instructor         Dec. 2020 – present
Instructor of Computation and New Media I and II, the foundations-level introduction to coding using p5.js, arduino and additional libraries. Collaborate on curriculum design with Robert Twomey and Jinku Kim. Emphasis on project-based learning and collaboration.

Art TEAMs Professional Development Program
Instructor, curriculum designer         April. 2022 – present
Help design curriculum and teach a grant-funded professional development program for practicing K-12 educators to earn Master’s credits while learning arts-based teaching methods.

Johnny Carson Center for Emerging Media Art
Teaching Assistant        Aug. 2019 – May 2021
Worked with professors Ash Eliza Smith, Jesse Flemming, Brian Moore, and Robert Twomey to help design and teach undergraduate courses: Visual Expression Studio, Storylab, and Computation and New Media, Principles of Interactivity and World Ready.

Spark VR Summer Camp
Teacher, Curriculum advisor         Aug. 2020
Worked with Lincoln Public Schools to imagine and further develop the V week portion of Spark’s summer programming. Developed curriculum, organized with teachers, and lead the VR development portion of the week with Autodesk’s Tinkercad.

UNL Emerging Media Arts Outreach Programming
Digital content creator         July 2020
Designed and created video content about emerging media art in today’s world for UNL’s NCPA high school virtual attendees, and for UNL Alumnae’s Future Husker summer camp.

Adobe x JCCEMA Animation Workshop
Workshop organizer         Nov. 2019
Organized day-long bootcamp for University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) faculty/staff and LPS teachers to learn Adobe Rush, Premiere Pro, and AfterEffects. Worked with Adobe to acquire funding and bring in nationally sought Adobe Educator Seth Chambers.

UNL Arts Integration Program
Workshop leader, Graduate Assistant         June 2019
Lead workshop in emerging tech for the arts, organized classroom resources and partnership with Nebraska Innovation Studios.


NYE Installation II at O’Rourke’s Tavern         Dec. 2022
Created a light installation with electronic sculptures and VJ system that were created using a mixture of woodingworking, physical computing, javascript, and projections.

NYE Installation at O’Rourke’s Tavern         Dec. 2019
Created collaborative installation with artist Sophia Ruppert utilizing emerging technologies for New Years Eve celebration that was top-rated NYE event by the Lincoln Chamber of Commerce.

Lincoln Calling Installation         Sept. 2019
Participated in Lincoln Calling as both installation artist and organizer of interactive art installation in Parrish Studios. Lincoln Calling is a week-long festival featuring panels in emerging arts industries and nationally known musical artists.

Medici Gallery Installation         May 2019
Created installation based on recent wood/work built with modern (CNC) and traditional technologies.

VJ - local bars         Jan. 2017 – present
Create custom video art (webGL, HTML5 canvas, video) as projections with physical art/works as installation for live music events.

Hour of Code Installation         Dec. 2018
Created an interactive installation with manipulable elements, designed for kids of all ages to contribute to designing the sound and images in the room. Programmed a keyboard using HTML/CSS/Javascript.

Turbine Flats Installation         Dec. 2017
Created custom installation using overhead and standard projection, along with reactive videos and built environment elements.

ArtReach Project: Mall Installation         Sept. – Dec. 2017
Created a 9 foot PVC cube to house projections and built art objects. Held open interactive “play lab” sessions. With live performance art.

Nebraska by Heart: Metamorphosis         Nov. 2016 – May 2017
Created public art project sculpture, making use of metal, fiberglass, silicone-molds and plastic casting, ceramic, and epoxy.

Hour of Code 2016: Music Box         Dec. 2017
Created interactive music space using Arduino-based Bare Conductive Board, light-switches, and a ‘piano’ built of metal pads.

Southeast Community College, Graphic Design | Media Arts
Advanced Web Dev. Instructor         Jul. 2016 – 2018
Worked with students and program chair to refine and build curriculum that reflects student interests and current trends. Refine coding best practices and explore advanced technologies including jQuery and plugins (fullPage, smoothstate, jQuery UI), CSS animations, 3D transforms, front-end frameworks, wordpress, as well as refine each students individual design process through sketches, moodboards, wireframes, style tiles, and mockups. Supported each student in building a website for a local client and a final portfolio website.

Lincoln Girls Who Code (GWC)
Instructor, Coordinator, Fundraiser         Jan. 2016 – Jan. 2018
Modified the national GWC curriculum to teach middle school girls the Core 4 coding principles, and build a programming-based CS impact project. Work with a coordinating body to organize, promote, and support all local clubs.

Code LNK
Organizer, Web Developer         Summer 2016 – Summer 2018
Worked with local entrepreneurs, Lincoln Public Schools, University of Nebraska, and Chamber of Commerce to promote K-12 CS education and broaden participation in computing in the Lincoln area. Projects included helping promote and organize coding opportunities, and organizing Hour of Code.

Creative App Development for Youth (CADDY) at University of Nebraska, Lincoln
App Dev. Instructor, Program Coordinator         Nov. 2016 – Mar. 2017
Worked with UNL Computer Science professors to create an app development program that generates experiences and income for UNL students and exposes youth to fun and ease of basic app dev. Work included teaching and promoting the series of workshops via website build, social-media, and public school outreach.

Frontend Fem Fest Conference
Founder, Speaker         Nov. 2016 – Feb. 2017
Worked to build a day-long conference at Turbine Flats that featured 16 speakers sharing technology that they use, and love, and what they love to do with it. Topics ranged from local WordPress development to Arduino to Swift Programming.

Interface Code School
Web Dev. Instructor         Summer 2015
Created and lead month-long intensive web dev. courses for youth that went from no experience to building a client site. Work involved crafting hands-on, project-based custom curriculum and delivering engaging and inclusive experiences.

Arts and Humanities Focus Program, Lincoln Public Schools
Young Activist Council Founder, Instructor         Sept. 2014 – Jun. 2015
Worked with public arts charter program to lead an activism-focused council where members worked together to pursue passions in the community. Activities included a year-long art exploration club at Everett Elementary, a weekend long “buildit” event at Space Commons, a fashion/art show that raised $1,300 for Everett’s adventure playground, and a panel discussion with alumnae on peer pressure and social norms.

MakeShift Community Makerspace
Board Member         Sept. 2014 – Sept. 2016
Worked to build a sustainable nonprofit through grant writing, community outreach, partnerships with local nonprofits, Make Lincoln event planning, and a crowdfunding campaign, with goal of creating a space where community members can access technology, tools, and educational resources to make. Other projects include holding open making hours and building a curriculum for youth to explore Arduino-based technology with music and dance.

June 2024
artist & educator

— Sculpture and Installation
— Creative Code Research